Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Getting started...

Did you know that every year 15 million people die from hunger? Or that for the price of one missile, a school full of hungry kids could eat lunch every day for five years? That there are 195 million kids in the world who’s growth is stunted by malnutrition. My head is full of crazy info like that at the moment - I’d have to be blind, deaf, and more than a little stupid to not realise there are billions of people in the world who don’t live anywhere near as well as I do. If my entire world fell apart tomorrow, and I spent the rest of my life living in the streets, at the end of it all I’d STILL have lead a pretty great life. I’m sure you know the feeling!
I’m a big fan of walking a mile in another persons shoes (at least metaphorically). I’m also a big fan of sharing the things I care about with the people I know. Which brings me to the reason you’re reading this...
An August, the 40 hour famine is running. You all remember it from primary school right...an excuse to eat nothing but barley sugars for 2 days? Well, this year, with you’re help, and in conjunction with the 40 hour famine, I’m hoping to do two things I love - walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, and share about what I learn with the people I know (and maybe even a few strangers).
Here’s where you come into it...if you help me raise $2000 for World Vision, through the 40 hour famine, I’ll go a little extreme, and spend 40 days living on the rations a person in a typical refugee camp is given, and I’ll share about what that’s like with you all through a blog (argh! no coffee! how will I survive???).
If all my facebook friends donated just $10 each, I’d exceed my target.
If you decide to donate a little more, or even decide join me for 40 hours and do something like chow down on barley sugars, give up technology, or live without furniture for a day and a half, well that would be awesome.
And if you forward this email on to another friend, and they decide to rack up an extra tax deduction for next year by donating as well, or get a bit educated by following my blog, that’s even better!
You have till 15 August to decide to donate, and if we’ve hit $2000 together, I’ll be starting when the 40 hour famine ends, on 22 August.
If you’d like to donate, you can do so online at:
Even if you decide not to donate, please bookmark this page, and follow along over the journey!
Thanks! Have a great day!

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